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Java 8 vs Java 9 Top 9 Best Differences You Should Know

Oracle has come up with a plan that only one Long term support release every three years. But for commercial users , JDK 8 public updates stopped in Jan 2019. But for local usage, i.e. for noncommercial usage, JDK 8 public updates will be available till Dec 2020. Java 9 introducing a new API under java.awt.image package, it allows a set of images with different resolutions to be encapsulated into a single multi-resolution image. However, it still not provide a way to create a private method in Interface. Java 9 will provide a way to have a private method in an interface.

  • Enhanced @Deprecated Annotation − @Deprecated annotation revamped to provide more information about the status and intended disposition of an API.
  • It can be used to parse ECMAScript code from a string, URL, or file with methods of Parser class.
  • Each segment is a selected code and advances performance and facilitates extensibility.
  • As of now, JAR files can contain classes that can only run on the Java version they were compiled for.
  • Compiler Control supersedes, and is backward compatible, with CompileCommand.

These new Java 13 features are proficient in assembling not so modified gatherings via streams. So, to remove the Unicode white space, java 11 introduces a new method called strip() which, removes the Unicode white space. There are two variations of strip method i.e, “stripLeading()” method and another one is “stripTrailing()”. So, these two methods are for removing leading white spaces and trailing white spaces, respectively.

Convenience Factory Methods for Collections

In new version, Java uses more space-efficient internal representation for strings. In previous versions, the String was stored in char array and takes two bytes for each character. Now, the new internal presentation of the string is a byte class. The ProcessHandle class is used to get process’s native process ID, arguments, command, start time, accumulated CPU time, user, parent process, and descendants.

The existing API and old standard doclet are available, but have not been updated to support new language features, such as modules. The SunJSSE provider supplies a complete implementation of the PKCS12 format for reading and writing PKCS12 files. Enables the client and server in a Transport Layer 4 Ways to Find the Best Web Development Language Security connection to negotiate the application protocol to be used. With Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation , the client sends the list of supported application protocols as part of the TLS ClientHello message. The server chooses a protocol and returns the selected protocol as part of the TLS ServerHello message.

java 9 features

Following are major operations of multi-resolution image. Diamond operator was introduced in java 7 to make code more readable but it could not be used with Anonymous inner classes. In java 9, it can be used with annonymous class as well to simplify code and improves readability. Streams were introduced in Java to help developers perform aggregate operations from a sequence of objects. With Java 9, few more methods are added to make streams better.

JAVA 9’s New Features

The rt.jar and tools.jar both has been removed from JRE. We can enable behavior compatible with Java 8 by setting the property java.locale.providers to a value with COMPAT ahead of CLDR. We can use specific version by setting property of jdk.gtk.version. Java new version allows Java graphical applications to use GTK version on Linux. Nashorn parser API is located into jdk.nashorn.api.tree package. This stack-walking API allows access to Class objects, if the stack walker is configured.

Java 8 has Java Time API and Java IO improvements, whereas Java 9 has Money and Currency API updates. JDK 9 will not be a long-term support release instead the next long-term support release would be Java 18.9. Each segment is a selected code and advances performance and facilitates extensibility. The above code throws compilation error in Java SE 7 & 8 while it runs without compilation error in Java SE 9 due to the Diamond Operator Extension introduced.

In a given thread, only one frame is active at any point. The active frame is known as the current frame and its method is known as 10 Skills You Need to Get Hired as a Backend Developer the current method . Also use ProcessHandle.allProcesses() to get a stream of ProcessHandle of all processes available in system.

java 9 features

New API also support Async HTTP requests using httpClient.sendAsync() method. It returns CompletableFuture object which can be used to determine whether the request has been completed or not. It also provide you access to the HttpResponse once request is completed.

Additional Resources

IDE or Integrated Development Environment, provides all common tools and facilities to aid in programming, such as source code editor, build tools and debuggers etc. If you want to set up your own environment for Java programming language, then this section guides you through the whole process. Please follow the steps given below to set up your Java environment.

Once we have a stream to process the collection, we will do it in two steps. Using few lines of code, we can do a lot of work in java. Also, we can pass lambda expressions as parameters to other methods which is very powerful as well. To implement lambda in Java 8, Java 8 introduces Function interface. We need to use functional interfaces to express lambdas.

stream() method

The introduction of simultaneous class unloading in JDK 8u40 has made G1 a complete garbage collector, ready to be used by default. Java 9 also deprecates the Concurrent Mark Sweep garbage collector, with support to cease in a future release. The intent Python List Methods is to speed up the development of other garbage collectors in the HotSpot virtual machine. The low-pause G1 garbage collector is intended to be a long-term replacement for CMS. Java 9 deprecates or removes several features no longer in vogue.

BeanInfo Annotations

Here resource is an object which should be closed once it is no more required. The try-with-resources statement ensures that each resource is closed after the requirement finishes. Any object implementing java.lang.AutoCloseable or, interface can be used as a resource. DropWhile method throw away all the values at the start until the predicate returns true. It returns, in case of ordered stream, a stream consisting of the remaining elements of this stream after dropping the longest prefix of elements matching the given predicate.

They are going add to support some delays and timeouts, some utility methods and better sub-classing. This factory method returns a new CompletableFuture which is already completed with the given value. Optional Class was introduced in Java 8 to avoid null checks and NullPointerException issues. In java 9, three new methods are added to improve its functionality. Following example of System class javadoc on Java 9 illustrate the use of forRemoval attribute on @Deprecated annotation.

So, when the earlier JAR is executed on Java 9, the A.class under the versions – 9 folders are picked up for execution. This Java 9 feature is expected to change in the subsequent releases and may even be removed completely. There are other features as well in Java 9, which I am listing down here for quick reference. JEP 225 gives the ability to search a javadoc for program elements and tagged words and phrases. Java 9 enhances the javadoc tool to generate HTML5 markup. Since – It returns the version in which the annotated element became deprecated.